The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in conjunction with a Swedish non-profit organization, Water for All have handed over three boreholes to villages in the area of Senior Chief Chikumbu in Mulanje.

This, according to ADRA is in a bid to improve sanitation in the villages which in the past had been facing hiccups in accessing clean safe water for domestic use.

Speaking during the official handover ceremony of the boreholes, Board member for Water for All, Bo Wigren said realizing the problems that the communities in the area of Senior Chief Chikumbu faced in trying to access safe water, ADRA in partnership with his organization decided to venture into drilling boreholes for them in order to ease the tense.

“We at water for all believe that access to clean safe water is one of the most basic human rights, so we decided that it was vital to give these people their right which over the time was being overlooked,” said Wigren.

He added that provision of the boreholes will not only ease pressure on women and children who used to travel long distances to fetch water, but it will also create time for them to concentrate on other economical activities that will develop their families.

Senior Chief Chikumbu observed that ADRA was one of the organizations that have assisted her area in improving access to clean safe water, having facilitated the drilling of 8 boreholes in the near past, and persuaded Water for All to drill 6 more including the newly opened three.Taking her turn, Senior Chief Chikumbu commended the two organizations for putting the lives of her people at heart by providing them with their most basic need of all.

The three boreholes have been drilled in the areas of Group Village Heads Chinomba, Kampala and Njoloma and are worthy 3 Million Kwacha each.

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