As the battle for the Plundering of Public funds at Capitol Hill dubbed Cashgate scandal continues, Ministry of Tourism Principle Secretary, Tressa Namathanga has become the first accused to plead guilty of the Charges leveled against her.

Namanthanga pleaded guilty before Lilongwe High Court Judge Ivy Kamanga on Thursday during the hearing of the case that she indeed stole and laundered government funds amounting to K63 million.

Senzani was arrested last year among several other civil servants accused of stealing billions of tax-payers money at the Capitol Hill in Lilongwe with over K13 billion said to have been siphoned through ghost contracts.

Senzani was charged by the High Court in Lilongwe of corruptly performing official duties contrary to Section 25 A (1) of the Corrupt Practices Act, intent to defraud contrary to Section 364 as read with Section 21 of the Penal Code and negligence contrary to Section 284 of the Penal Code.

The plundering of public funds at Capitol Hill came to light when unknown thugs shot former Budget Director Mr. Paul Mphwiyo.

Meanwhile Zenzani’s case has been adjourned to September 15 for submissions on sentencing when the prosecution is expected to propose an appropriate sentence.

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