President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has reiterated the need of Malawians to work together despite political differences in order to develop the country.

The President was speaking at a mass rally held at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre, Sunday to thank Malawians for putting him into the highest office in the land.

“I have come here to thank you people of Malawi for electing me as your President.

Let us now forget the past despite political differences as now it is the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) that is running the Government,” President Mutharika told the mammoth crowd.

On treason charges he was answering during the past administration, Mutharika said the issue was political as there was no crime he committed and described it as cheap political propaganda.

He said treason was a very serious offence and appealed those in authority not to use it for political reasons.

The President then took time to explain to the nation how he would want his presidency to operate in the country.

“I am a President working in the office as you employed me; I will not be going around distributing chickens or pigs. If need for that comes, my ministers will do that not me.”Mutharika explained reacting to comments from other quarters saying that he rarely do public engagements.

Commenting on lean Cabinet, Mutharika said it was a deliberate move to save tax- payers money.

He then revealed that in the course of his Government having the lean cabinet, over MK20 billion will be saved, used for development.

On security, the President said his government is committed to reduce crime rate in the country.

He announced that government has purchased 50 vehicles to ease the mobility challenge in the Police Service.

President Mutharika then warned all criminals that his government will deal with them in line with the law of the land.

The President said, in order for his developmental plans to work he needs support from every Malawian specially Members of Parliament.

“I am making a special appeal to Parliament to support me by passing the Budget regardless of party affiliations as they start meeting on Monday so that everyone benefits,’’ said Mutharika.

He also assured the nation that his government is committed to reform the Civil Service.

The President said his government is doing everything possible to improve the welfare of civil servants.

Speaking earlier, Member of Parliament of the area Allan Ngumuya asked government to improve roads, markets and resumption of construction of hospital work at Kameza to reduce congestion at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

The rally was attended by DPP officials, religious groups, traditional leaders among others.

This is the first political rally President Mutharika has addressed in the South since he became Head of State of this country.

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