Big Bullets Football Club on Sunday demolished Red Lions 2-1 at Kamuzu Stadium to maintains its second position in the TNM Super League.

The game started on a high note as both sides had that hunger to score goals and win the game.

Although this was the case, Bullets came first to knock on the door of the Zomba based Soldiers through former Epac striker Mussa Manyenje.

Menyenje’s goal in the 19th minutes of the first half gave Bullets more hunger to add another goal but Red Lions managed to contain the pressure.

Lack of coordination at the midfield to the side of Bullets gave a room for the Zomba based soldiers some hope as they started piling pressure on the People’ team.

No wonder, Red Lions managed to get an equalizer before half time through Loti Chawinga.

In the second half, the game gained momentum as both side could display fantastic football. Although this was the case Bullets showed much hunger to win the game.

Just as everyone was now satisfied that both sides will share the points, Bullets surprised Red Lions as the scored the second goal through Frazer Menyani to make it 2-1.

After the game, Bullets FC Coach Elijah Kananji thanked his side for a grant fight.

Red Lions coach Collins Nkuna blamed his goalkeeper for conceding what he called ‘two silly goals’ that could have been avoided.

“We played well but our goalkeeper conceded two silly goals,” said Nkuna.

The people’s team is still on the second position with 35 points from 16 games while Red Lions is on third position with 27 points from 16 games.

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