Police in Mphalombe have arrested a Video Show operator and two girls for allegedly shooting and broadcasting a pornographic film.

Police publicist for Phalombe Augustus Nkhwazi confirmed of the arrest and identified the suspects as Victor Mangulenje and two girls.

According Nkhwazi, Mangulenje owner of Mangulenje Video Show, connived with the two girls to sneak into a Chinamwali camp with a video camera.

“The girls shot some of the rites, which included women dancing naked. Produced it and started showing it at his video centre,” said Sergeant Nkhwazi.

According to Nkhwazi, the development came to light when one of the teenager watching the video, recognised his mother performing some of the rites naked.

“Very shocked, the boy run out of the video show room, to his mother. It was at this point where traditional leaders and police were alerted of the matter,” explained Nkhwazi.

Meanwhile Nkhwazi has revealed that investigations into the matter are in progress.

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