The Japanese Government has handed over to Malawi Government six Community Day Secondary Schools (CDSS) which it re-constructed and expanded at a cost of K 4.3 billion.

The six schools namely Matenje CDSS in Salima, Mkwichi CDSS in Lilongwe,Liwalazi CDSS in Nkhotakota, Zolozo CDSS in Mzuzu, Mpamba CDSS in Nkhata-bay and Izondweni CDSS in Mzimba were reconstructed and expanded in the phase two of the Re-construction and Expansion of selected Community Day Secondary Schools project.

Speaking on behalf of Malawi Government at a function which took place at the new look Matenje Community Day Secondary School on Thursday, Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Vincent Ghambi said the infrastructure will go a long way in complementing government’s effort to provide quality and accessible education.

“On behalf of the Malawi government I appreciate the good work which the Japanese are doing in assisting us in our efforts to provide quality accessible education,” said Ghambi.

Ghambi said that he was happy that the Japanese Government project for Re-construction and Expansion of Selected Community Day Secondary Schools will enter phase three soon.

In his speech the Japanese Ambasador to Malawi Shuichiro Nishioka said that good education is a foundation of national building and an investment for better future.

He commended the Malawi Government for priotizing the education sector and implementing various measure and policies to promote education for all, such as the introduction of free primary education in 1994.

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