Cold war wages on between Members of Parliament for the Northern Region and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)on how form one students were selected to public schools especially Nkhata Bay Secondary School.

Information sourced by FaceofMalawi indicates that of all the 53 students selected to Nkhata Bay Secondary School, no one is from the region. The development has sparked fire from people around the School and that of the region demanding answers from the minister of Education, Science and Technology Dr. Emmanuel Fabiano.

On Monday this week, Mzimba West Parliamentarian Harry Mkandawire called Minister of education as the man behind the introduction of quota system for selecting students to public universities.

Mkandawire made the remarks in Parliament when he was responding to a ministerial statement on the selection of students to government secondary schools.

Mkandawire also asked if Fabiano was aware that the quota system was outlawed by the Supreme Court.

But Fabiano shunned the queries raised by Mkandawire and instead dwelled on stressing that since 1964, students selected to national secondary schools have come from across the country.

In his point of order, Chiradzulu East MP Henry Mussa said: “Mkandawire is associating the Honourable Minister of Education as being the architect of quota. I want him to substantiate those claims or withdraw the remarks.”

Speaker Richard Msowoya said Fabiano should have been the one to complain.

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