Police in Zomba are keeping in custody a 33-year-old man on suspicion that he stabbed his wife to death for refusing him to marry a second wife.

FaceofMalawi speaking to Zomba police deputy spokesperson Patricia Supiliyano confirmed the arrest in an interview and identified the suspect as Adam Lemani of Chipile Village, Traditional Authority Mposa in Machinga.

Lemani is believed to have stabbed his wife on the left hand side of the chest using a knife on Friday last week after the two had disagreed over the polygamy issue, said Supiliyano.

“The suspect has told the police that his wife infuriated him when she said she will also marry a second man if her husband went ahead to marry another woman so that both of them can be in polygamy,” said Supiliyano.

“Furious with these sentiments, the suspect stabbed the wife on the left side of her chest and later dumped their two-year-old child on the veranda of their house and ran away.”

Supiliyano further told FOM that the deceased was identified as 30-year-old Esnat of Matewere Village, Traditional Authority Kuntumanje in Zomba, was discovered struggling with pain in a pool of blood by her mother who had been drawn to the cry of the child.

“The deceased’s mother mobilised members of the community who took her to Domasi rural hospital where she died on arrival. The issue was reported to police who mounted a search and arrested the suspect in Machinga,” added Supiliyano.

“During questioning, the suspect confirmed of the polygamy disagreement he had with his wife. He will answer charges of murder which contravenes section 209 of the penal code.”

Meanwhile, Supiliyano said police advise married couples to try and resolve their differences with marriage counsellors or, should the counsellors fail, take their issues to the police Victim Support Units (VSUs) which she said exist at every police unit across the country.

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