A-37-year old pastor of Feel Prophetic Food Ministries located in Chinsapo is in police custody in Lilongwe for allegedly being suspected of raping a woman.

Lilongwe Police Public Relations Officer Kingsley Dandaula confirmed of the development in an interview and identified the suspect as Adamson Chirwa.

According to Dandaula, the victim “Elube Mbale, 23, had been experiencing miscarriages whenever she was pregnant.

“The victim (Mbale ) shared her miscarriage problem to a friend, she was referred to Pastor Adamson Chirwa, with a belief that she would be healed after being prayed for.

“On Monday, 6th 0ctober around 6 o’clock in the evening, Mbale went to the pastor’s house where he usually conducts prayers for people who have various problems.

“Chirwa told the victim that her problem could be healed with prayers said privately other than in the church.

“The following day the pastor arranged to meet Mbale at the mountain. She had also to pay K5, 000 before the ceremony, to buy petrol for his vehicle. She paid K2, 000 instead as she could not afford the required K5, 000.

“On the day of prayers, the pastor drove her to some a bush around National Resources College (NRC) in Lilongwe. The pastor raped her at NRC as he was conducting prayers.

“When she returned home the victim told her husband what had transpired at NRC,” said Dandaula.
He said the matter was eventually reported at Police’ and Chirwa was subsequently arrested.

“The matter was also reported at Hospital; but we shall disclose the hospital report at court, ” said the Police spokes person.

Chirwa hails from Tongole Village T/A Malengachanzi in Nkhotakota district, and Mbale from Kalakazombe Village T/A Kalonga in Salima.

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