State President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika says he is concerned with rising insecurity in the country.

The president has however given assurances that his government will do all it can to make sure that all residents of Malawi, whether in urban or rural areas are secure everywhere they are.

Speaking during National Police Day celebrations at National Police Headquarters in Lilongwe, Professor Mutharika said the voice of Malawians about issues of safety and security is very clear.

“I have heard the calls for government to intervene on the dwindling levels of security in the country,” he said.

“But just as loud as the calls are, so too is my government’s commitment to issues of security. I am very concerned with the state of security in this country as it is having a negative impact on the economic development of our country,” said the president.

The Malawi leader then gave an assurance that the Democratic Progressive Party-DPP led government will ensure that law and order is maintained in this country.

Professor Mutharika also advised police officers to always remember that they take their responsibilities seriously.

“As we celebrate 93 years of your existence, remember that you shoulder the responsibility of making sure that our children should live their lives without fear; fear of being attacked, molested or defiled.”

“Our women should be free to walk anytime, anyplace without the fear of any violation or abuse. I am particularly concerned with the safety of women and children, let us protect them at all costs.”

President Mutharika also expressed concern with the safety and security of investors and their investments.

“Security is another concern for investors, whether it is a Malawian investor or foreign, their investment must be safe. Farmers in the rural areas should once more be able to grow crops and breed livestock,” professor Mutharika said.

The Malawi leader said the police is there to provide for the protection of the people and that the duty calls for patriotism, commitment and dedication to duty.

He also advised officers to be disciplined and single mindedness.

“I am pledging my government’s support to the Malawi Police Service. The procurement of 50 vehicles and some public order equipment is just the beginning of a long journey that my government will undertake to revitalize the security sector in this country.”

Professor Mutharika disclosed that government is currently looking at ways of addressing the challenges that the police service is facing, such as poor housing, office accommodation, lack of reliable transport, inadequate uniforms, lack of modern telecommunication equipment and forensic support to policing amongst others.

He also advised the police to work hard in all endeavours to promote safety and security in the country, to make the country conducive to the promotion of social, economic, environmental, technological and political development.

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