The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested the newly appointed Assets Declaration Director Lawyer Christopher Tukula for allegedly interfering with the investigations in the on-going Cashgate cases.

ACB Public Relations Officer Egrita Ndala confirmed of the arrest on Friday in a statement made available to the Press.

According to the statement, the Bureau had established that Tukula was interfering with potential witnesses by casing them to give false information to the Bureau contrary to Section 14 (1) (a) (b) and (c) of the Corrupt Practices Act.

The Bureau earlier obtained a warrant of arrest against Mr. Tukula but he, through his lawyer Mr. Kasambara, obtained an injunction restraining the Bureau from executing the warrant of arrest. The injunction was set aside by the Court in Mzuzu on 16th October, 2014.

He will be taken to Court after the Bureau has recorded a caution statement from him.

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