President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has today officially opened the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Thyolo, saying this marks the beginning of the realization of his dream of establishing six new universities to respond to the challenges and demands for increased equitable access to institutions of higher learning.

MUST is one of the brain Child of the late President Professor Bingu Wa Mutharika who died while in office in April 5, 2012. The university was constructed with funding from Chinese government.

In his speech, Mutharika said his aim is to ensure that every citizen in our country has access to higher education.

“My aim is to ensure that every citizen in our country, regardless of tribe, religion or the areas he/she comes from, should have the opportunity and the right to higher education. This University is being established at my initiative. I conceptualized this and even designed the main building that you will one day see rise above the grounds of this area….”, said Mutharika.

Mutharika said his government expects the University to provide a conducive environment for quality education, training, and research, entrepreneurship to facilitate economic growth in Malawi and beyond.

On his part, Minister of Education Science and Technology Dr. Emmanuel Fabiano said the new University will help to increase the number of student selected to pursue higher education in the country.

Meanwhile Professor Moses Mkwapatila of Lilongwe University of Agriculture Science and Technology (Luanar) has been approved to be MUST Vice Chancellor.

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