Liwonde First Grade Magistrate Court last week convicted and sentenced a Fred Davie, 40 to ten years imprisonment after the court found him guilty of defiling a 10 year old girl in September this year at Ngunga Village, Traditional Authority Chamba in Machinga.

State Prosecutor Inspector Gladys Jentala revealed to our reporters Davie met the girl on her way from drawing water when“He asked the little girl to follow him until he led her to a bush where he defiled her after which he gave her K100 (One hundred Kwacha) and asked her never to reveal the incident.

“The girl cried all the way home and told her parents about the incident,” Jentala told the court.

The girl’s parents reported the matter to Machinga Police who referred the girl to St. Lukes Mission Hospital at Malosa in Zomba where medical examination showed that she was indeed defiled.

“Davie was arrested but after being cautioned he pleaded not guilty to the charge of defilement however the court found him guilty after parading several witnesses (including the girl) that testified against him,” explained Jentala.

In court the suspect pleaded guilty and asked the court to forgive him claiming it was not his intention to defile the girl but that he was influenced by the devil, but however First Grade Magistrate, Esther Phiri, denied leniency saying that Davie deserved a prison sentence with hard labour for traumatizing the little girl.

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