British high Commissioner to Malawi Michael Nevin had an audience with President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on Monday at Sanjika Palace where he disclosed that the British government will pump $ 100 million (about K 47 billion) into different key sectors.

During the meeting the two heads shared notes that would move a long way in strengthening their bilateral relationship between two countries.

“We are giving Malawi $ 100 million not through the financial system”, said Nevin.

He was however firm that direct budgetary support will only resume when certain conditions regarding cash gate are met to the satisfactory of his government.

The former colonial master indicated that if government cut down wasteful expenditures and ensure tight fiscal discipline aid taps would be opened.

He however pointed out that Britain is encouraged by public sector reforms by the Mutharika led government.

Minister of foreign affairs and international relations George Chaponda told journalists that government is grateful of the 100 million dollars from Britain that will assist the health, agriculture and education sectors.

He said government will do whatever it can to make sure that Britain resume its aid to Malawi.

The British government stopped giving director aid last year after the financial scam at Capitol Hill dubbed Cashgate came to light.

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