The Catholic Church has blasted views and assertions of some people especially from the Northern Region led by former People’s Party (PP) Provincial Chairman Christopher Mzomera Ngwira advocating for the introduction of the federal system of government in the country.

The Vicar General, Monsignor Boniface Taman said Malawi being a developing country could not afford to have such type of government because it was expensive to run.

Taman made the remarks during Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Stella Maris Secondary School in Blantyre.

“If you are talking of a federal system of government you triple the structure of government. It means in any state that you create you must have a governor who acts a president, cabinet and Parliament and those will be fully funded which means we must have that in the South, Centre and North,” Monsignor Tamani said.

“On top of that we must have an overall structure which we have now. Do we have that kind of money to support that kind of system?”

He said Malawi those campaigning for the federal system of government should not be interested in titles and positions.

“For me I would wish that money if it were available it should be used for our roads and schools,” he said.

He appealed to people to dialogue if there are problems within the country.

Chikavu Nyirenda, who is a Social Commentator, also said establishing system of government would be expensive for Malawi.

.“Going to federal system of government would add on the costs but we need to fix the unitary system so that it addresses the concerns of all people and issues of development are equitably spread and everybody enjoys the fruits of our freedom,” Nyirenda said.

Ngwira who is the man behind the proposal is accusing the current and previous regimes of sidelining the North in terms of development.

The idea has received heavy criticism from various stakeholders, saying the idea is not being proposed in good faith.

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