Former President Joyce Banda’s son who also happens to be the Member of Parliament for Zomba Malosa Constituency, Akajuwe Roy Kachale, has spat fire at Baker Tilly for implicating him in the Cashgate audit report which the Malawi government released yesterday.

Kachale who is the former first family’s member to be implicated in the scam which has seen government start making arrests has lambasted Baker Tilly and has threatened them with legal action if they are not going to release another report which will omit his name.

In a press release, Kachale has said that the main aim of the report is to defame him and assassinate his character even though he is not in anyway associated with the stealing of hordes of cash from government coffers.

Kachale has further termed the report as a fabrication that aims at bringing his name into disrepute as a member of the Catholic church, a father and a husband as well as a politician.

Meanwhile, away from the formal channel Kachale has as well taken to social media to pour insults apparently on the DPP regime labeling them ‘dumb idiots’ for having his name implicated in the saga that has seen donors freeze aid to Malawi.

In a status update from an account associated with him, Kachale wrote:

‘Hahahaha dumb idiots. I was born Roy Kachale jr. I changed my name to Roy Kachale Banda when i got married in 2009 (sic). But I only used the name “Akajuwe Roy Kachale Banda” when I got elected into Parliament in June 2014. When is report supposed to be written again? Simunditha.’

Baring it on fb: An image of Kachale's text
Baring it on fb: An image of Kachale’s text

Apparently, Kachale has brought the same queries as others as to why he was being addressed as well as the ‘son of former President’ if the report was released before the DPP rose to power.

Yesterday, the minister of justice Samuel Tembenu indicated that the ministry nor anybody had tampered with the report as Baker Tilly submitted to him in a Pdf format.

His claim, however, has been dismissed as a Pdf can be converted to word and after editing it be reconverted to Pdf using other softwares.

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