Shop assistants in Limbe who on Monday stage a sit-in demanding an increase in their wages have resumed their work after Shop owners agreed to hike the wages.

According to information gathered by FaceofMalawi, the wages have gone up by 25 percent for the lowest paid and 10 percent for the highest paid.

The workers’ monthly housing allowance has also been raised from K4 000 ($8) to K6 000 ($13) whereas bereavement allowance, paid when an employee’s relation dies, has been increased from K20 000 ($43) to K30 000 ($65) with immediate effect.

The workers proposed a60 percent pay hike for those receiving K600 per day; 45 percent hike for those getting above K600 per day; K45 000 as bereavement allowance when an employee’s relation dies and a hike of the K4 000 housing allowance.

Speaking to the Press after the adjustment was announced, Workers Union President Joseph Jana said he was grateful with the the hike.

On his part, Altaf Muhammad, a representative of the shop owners confirmed of the development but denied to give more details on the matter.

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