Cash payment of honoraria to poll staff for May 2014 elections

The Commission is informing all stakeholders that it has started cash payments to all poll workers whose dues were outstanding for
the services rendered during polling for the
May 2014 elections.

The Commission engaged 89,000 poll workers and close to 90 percent were already paid through ele…ctronic bank

The cash payment exercise started on October 18, 2014 and has so far taken place in Karonga, Rumphi, Nkhata Bay, Kasungu,
Ntchisi, Ntcheu, Mangochi, Balaka, Machinga, Zomba, Chiradzulu Thyolo, Phalombe and Nsanje districts.

The payments are being done during weekends and directly to the recipients by the Standard Bank through G4 Security. The
UNDP is funding the process and the Malawi Electoral Commission is not handling any cash
in this process.

In the course of the exercise some challenges have been encountered like some names missing on the list to be paid. A form has
been designed to capture details of suchpersons so that they can be verified. Once verified to be genuine, the paying staff will go
again to the centres to pay such staff.

The Commission is assuring all the polling staff that measures are being put in place to expedite the process and ensure that everyone who has not been paid for working for the May 2014 elections gets their pay.

The Commission will be communicating to all
poll staff through their respective Teacher Development Centres on the days for paying in remaining districts and other areas where
payment was not completed. All stakeholders are being encouraged to follow stipulated
procedures and facilitate smooth payments by the cashiers.

Signed this 3rd day of November 2014 ,Blantyre
Willie Kalonga
Chief Elections Officer

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