Minister of Education Science and Technology Dr Emmanuel Fabiano last weekend donated sports materials to all Community Day Secondary Schools (CDSS) and Primary Schools in Chiradzulu West Constituency.

The items, which included: netballs, footballs and whistles, were meant to develop sports in the area. The ceremony took place at Nkhande Primary School.

Dr Fabiano, who is also Member of Parliament for the area said; “Apart from developing sports in the area, sporting activities will make students become physically fit.”

Dr Fabiano observed that after long hours of working in class, students needed time to relax and refresh their brains hence the donation.

“You should also work extra harder in class to pass with flying colours. Educated people participate meaningfully to socio economic development of this country,” advised the Minister.

Each school received one football, one net ball and two whistles. Chiraduzlu West has four CDSSs and 12 Primary Schools.

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