The UK Minister of State for International Development, Grant Shapps, Tuesday met President Prof. Peter Mutharika at Kumuzu Palace in Lilongwe to discuss UK development support to Malawi and reforms for poverty and sustainable growth.

Shapps said UK would continue providing support to the Malawi Government in its efforts to reduce poverty.

“Whilst we cannot channel funding through government financial systems we are still working in support of national priorities and in close partnership with government,” he said this to journalists after meeting the Malawi leader.

Shapps said the UK’s strong support for the poor people in Malawi was demonstrated by the increase in DFID Malawi’s bilateral programme to over K50 billion towards the health, education, water and sanitation, agriculture and business development among others.

“We discussed the President’s important plans for public financial management improvements and public service reform as well as Malawi’s action to tackle corruption,” Shapps said.

Shapps will among other things see how UK’s bilateral development partners are supporting efforts to combat poverty and support economic growth.

The UK Minister of State for International Development is also expected to meet other Cabinet Ministers and visit UK-funded programmes that support health service delivery, household and community resilience against droughts and floods, renewable energy and business development in Dedza, Balaka and Zomba districts respectively.

While in the country, Shapps is also expected to announce important new support from DfID to the education sector.mana

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