The government has said full report on the plunder of public funds from 2009-14 currently pegged at MK577 billion will be ready and tabled in the August House in ten months to come.

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Francis Katsaila, leader of government in Parliament disclosed this in the August House when he was reacting to the claims by one of the Parliamentary Accounts Committee that report presented to PAC is a fake one.

Kutsaila also trashed the claims that government has presented the fake report to black mail the opposition in order for them to pass the 2015-16 national budget.

Opposition People’s Party (PP) Kamlepo Kalua who is PAC member said government is hiding the full report containing names and he vowed that the Opposition will do whatever it can to make sure that the reports is released and the truth is known on the matter.

Writing on his official Facebook Page, PAC Chairman Peter Chakwantha claimed government has two versions of the report, one which is a data analysis titled ‘Final Analysis Report: Reconstruction of the Malawi Government Cashbook for Purposes of Further Investigation’ and another which has names and details of what happened to payments amounting to K577 billion (US$1.3 billion) that are shown in bank statements, but cannot be traced in Capital Hill’s cashbook.

“The truth we have now discovered is that the Government has two versions. One is the data analysis and the other is the real forensic audit report done by the PWC south african team. Now the government has chosen to feed malawians the data analytic report version so that we all think that this is all that is on the table,” said Chakwantha.

Chakwantha said the DPP regime is playing the mafia-like operation to sweep under the carpet names of the culprits.

Meanwhile the Auditor General Stephenson Kamphasa has backed the government that the report will take time to be released.

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