There was commotion in parliament Monday afternoon when opposition lawmakers sought clarification on reports of a move to impeach the speaker of the house Richard Msowoya.

But in response, the government threw back the ball at the opposition, claiming reports ‘actually indicate it is the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) that is plotting to impeach the speaker.
Rumors are rife that some MPs want Mr. Msowoya impeached for alleged bias in the manner he is handling the issue of opposition United Democratic Front (UDF) MPs who moved to the government side.

The group of 11 is perceived as having crossed the floor as provided for in Section 65 of the Malawi Constitution which bars MPs from changing parties in parliament.
It was all started by MP for Rumphi East Kamlepo Kalua who claimed he had evidence of the scheme, which according to him, is being masterminded by the
office of attorney general.

He claims government wants to bring a bill at the ongoing sitting of parliament to impeach Mr Msowoya.

This prompted MCP MP for Lilongwe Msozi South Vitus Dzoole Mwale to demand explanation from government, saying there was need for clarification because the matter is already in the public domain.

Government Chief Whip Grace Obama Chiumia, however, turned the matter around when she claimed she had evidence that it was actually MCP members who are trying to impeach Mr Msowoya.

She claimed she had names of MCP MPs who feel the speaker is interfering with the leadership of the party and that she could only provide further information if Mr Kalua proved his case.

Minister of Justice Samuel Tembenu told the house he was not aware of the bill Mr. Kalua referred to. He said such a motion can only emanate from the house, according to Section 53 of the constitution.

The speaker is being accused of bias after he announced to have received a petition from a rights activist that the UDF MPs be fired, and that he was working on a determination.
Mr. Msowoya did not comment directly on the matter, only urging the house to take matters with seriousness and not to debate rumors. He described the issue as mere dead talk.

The government feels Mr. Msowoya is being influenced by ‘external forces’ by accepting the petition from Billy Mayaya.

The UDF MPs have since obtained a court order stopping the speaker from making his determination on the matter.
Media reports earlier quoted Leader of the House Francis Kasaila as saying impeachment of Mr Msoyowa could not be ruled out if crosses paths with other people.

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