Dust is refusing to settle on the move taken by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on the sale of the State owned Malawi Savings Bank (MSB) with the latest concerns coming from the Public Affairs Committee (PAC).

Speaking in an interview with FaceofMalawi, PAC Chairperson Felix Chingota said the sale of MSB by government clearly shows that Mutharika and his administration do not listen to the concerns of the voters in the country.

Chingota further said that MSB sale also undermines the power of the National Assembly which represents the voice of Malawians across the country.

“As PAC we are deeply saddened with how the DPP regime as handled the matter surrounding the sale of Malawi savings Bank. If we can go by the definition of Democracy which means government of the people with the People, you will see that fundamentals principles of democracy have been violated,” said Chingota.

He said that Mutharika could have first consulted with all stakeholders before sale the bank.

MSB sale to FDH Holdings which is owned by Thom Mpinganjira has received criticism from all corners with the opposition political parties branding it as day light robbery.

Meanwhile officials from legal affairs committee of Parliament has called for the resignation of Minister of Finance and Economic Development Goodall Gondwe and President Mutharika over the sale.

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