Police in Machinga have arrested 50 year old Osman Kamoto for allegedly possessing assorted drugs worth millions of kwacha.
The drugs were hidden in a cement plastered pit under his bed to foil the authorities’’ efforts to capture him.

Machinga Police Officer in Charge, Assistant Commissioner Gideon Nahumu confirmed the arrest of Kamoto at Matemanga Rest House, Ntaja Trading Center where he works as Resthouse Manager.

The medical drugs and non drug items include Indometacin, Amoxil, Praziquantel, Cotrimoxazole, Chloramphenical eye/ear drop, Rheumac ec, Paracheck, cotton wool and intravenous fluids.
But Kamoto has told the police that he was only keeping the drugs under instruction from owner of the rest house, a Mr. Kamanga who works at Machinga

District Hospital and runs a clinic at Liwonde Township. Kamanga was in Mozambique at the time of Kamoto’s arrest.
Kamoto was picked when police arrested a drug vendor at Nselema Trading Center in the district who in turn mentioned him during interrogation.

The Cotton wool and other drug containers were labeled Central Medical Stores Trust.
Kamoto comes from Pehelia village, Traditional Authority Ngokwe in Machinga.

Police in the district have also arrested Christopher Kambilanje, 29, Innocent Mussa, 38 and Leonard Njoloma for possessing medical drugs without authority to posses and administer.

The four are expected to appear before court soon, according to Machinga Police.

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