Piksy has re-assured his fans that the launch of his album titled ‘Mthunzi’ will be countrywide, targeting all districts.
The tour which he dubbed ‘Winter tour’ and started in Blantyre on 4 July then Lilongwe on 5 July is now scheduled for Luchenza then Balaka and Mwanza.

“We intend to go to every district to promote this album but the first district we are going to is Luchenza, people have been asking, we are performing at Nali Motel on the 31st together with Sangie and Katelere,” explained Piksy.

He further said even though the tour is expensive he plans of taking it to the last day just to show appreciation to his fans adding: “It is expensive, for now I am using my own money. I’m sure things will work out and sponsors might come in but still I am ready to do this by myself because
I am very sure something good will come out of it.”

The musician who also said earlier that the tour was not only to promote his album but to also give a chance to upcoming musicians to experience live performances was living up to this pledge as he said: “I am bringing upcoming musician Sangie along to all the shows with me while for the other
artists, it will depend on relevance and of course availability.”

he artist, real name, Evans Zangazanga said he decided to have the tour to reach out to his massive fan base across the country not just Blantyre and Lilongwe.

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