Police in Mzuzu are keeping in custody a 24 year-old man for allegedly hitting to death two children in Chibavi Town in Mzuzu City ship Monday evening following his failure to control the vehicle which plice say was at a very high speed.

Mzuzu Police Deputy Publicist, Sub-Inspector Patrick Saulos, said the suspect, Lyson Mwiba, 24, was driving a saloon registration number CP 4358 from Chibavi to Mchengautuba.

After failing to control the vehicle at a corner, the driver ended up hitting the two girl children, a nine year old and one and half year old.

The police PRO added that the two victims, were playing within the compound of their houses when the car hit them, resulting to their death on the spot.

“He [the suspect] was driving at high speed. In addition, he was driving without a license and the vehicle had no insurance,” said Saulos.

The police publicist explained that after the car had hit the girls, it went on to hit a nearby house, a situation which sparked anger from on-looking residents who ganged up to smash the vehicle.

The driver escaped the wrath of the mob by running away as soon as he found the chance to do so.

The suspect, who comes from Katobo Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwenemisuku in Chitipa District, will answer the charge of manslaughter which is contrary to section 208 of the Penal Code.

If proven, the offence attracts a maximum sentence of life imprisonment with hard labor (IHL).mana

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