In a what can be described as a twist of invent, Standard Bank has finally handed over cheque images to Oswald Lutepo showing people who withdrew money from his account under his two companies.

Lutepo’s lawyer, Oswald Mtupila confirmed of the development in an interview with one of the privately owned radio [Zodiak Broadcasting Station]

According to Mtupila, Cheque images contain every details of any person who used his bank account to withdraw the plundered money.

Mtupila says he will be meeting his client over the weekend to work out the matter ahead of the next court appearance on August 31st.

Lutepo who is currently in Police custody waiting for sentencing pleaded guilty to theft and laundering money amounting to MK4 billion.

Zomba High Court Judge Redson Kapindu was expected to deliver his judgment on the case on June 30 but he failed due to disagreement between the State and the defence on the assets owned by Lutepo.

According to information sourced by FaceofMalawi, the defence team and the State gave conflicting information on Lutepo’s Assert value.

Meanwhile the Court ordered re-value of Lutepo’s asserts within 21 days.

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