As controversy surrounding Opposition People’s Party (PP) candidate for Chibanja ward Blackson Kalwena Gondwe continues, PP and Alliance for Democracy (Aford) have formed a working relationship ahead of the August 25 by-elections to drum up support for Aford candidate Gibson Chisale.

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) disqualified Gondwe on the grounds that he obtained registration fraudulently which denied and later sued the malawi electoral body.

Delivering his ruling on the case on Thursday last week, Mzuzu High Court Judge Dingiswayo Madise ruled in favour of MEC decision and he also refused to allow nomination by substitution meaning PP will not field any candidate in Chibanja ward.

The development has force the two parties to form a working relations a head of the by-elections.

Aford President Enock Chihana confirmed of the development during a joint compaign the two parties held over the weekend to drum up support for Chisale, saying its not new for the two parties to be in working relationship.

PP top official in the North Bridget Nkhoma also confirmed of the development in an interview with FaceofMalawi.

In 2014, the two Parties also formed a working relationship which saw Aford not fielding Presidential candidates in the May 20 tripartite election while PP also did not field candidate in Rumphi Central.

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