The funeral ceremony of Deputy Chief Secretary to the government Willie Samute at his home village in Zomba on Sunday turn to a revenge field for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to the family of former President Dr. Joyce Banda.

The whole saga started when it was time for laying wreaths at Samute’s resting place as the former First Gentleman Richard Banda and some opposition People’s Party (PP) officials present at the funeral appeared to be last on the list.

As this was not enough, Banda was shocked to discover that the wreath that he personally bought was nowhere to be seen, forcing the former first Gentleman PP secretary general Ibrahim Matola to just stand on the tomb, pay respects and returned without laying wreaths.

After investigations it was discovered that some DPP officials present at the funeral snatched the wreaths from the women who were keeping them.
The wreaths are said to have been given to some DPP officials who came at the funeral without wreaths to lay.

The development did not go down well with the mourners who started boing the DPP officials for politicizing the funeral.

The funeral ceremony was also graced by Former President Dr. Bakili Muluzi, former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali and the country’s Vice President Saulos Chilima.

Late Samute was born on February 18 1958 and is survived by a wife and three Children.

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