A 60-year old man in Balaka has been ordered to pay a fine of MK3,000 or in default serve a three-month jail sentenced for insulting President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

The convict, Alinafe Nyirongo is said to have insulted the President on August 31 after seeing a grader grading the earth road past his village, calling him all thoughts of names.

The development did not please Democratic Progressive party (DPP) followers who later reported the matter to Police, leading to his arrest.

Appearing before the Balaka First Grade Magistrate Court, Nyirongo pleaded guilty to charge of conduct likely to cause a breach of peace which is contrary to section 181 of the Penal code.

In the mitigation, the suspect pleaded for forgiveness saying that he insulted the President thinking that things are just the same as it was during the campaign period when the President could be insulted anyhow.

Nyirongo also apologized to all those he offended.

The development left First Grade Magistrate Felix Mandala with no option but to slap the convict with a fine of MK3,000 of in default serve a three month jail sentence.

Mandala said he has slapped the offender with a lesser punishment because the convict was remorseful, he accepted the offence and that he was the first offender.

Meanwhile the convict has paid the fine.

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