An angry mob in Chiringa in Phalombe has beaten to death a 51-year-old mentally challenged man after he injured another.

Phalombe Police Publicist Sub Inspector Augustus Nkhwazi confirmed of the development in an interview and identified the deceased as Boniface Palapasa.

According to Nkhwazi, on the fateful day the deceased picked a quarrel with 62-year-old Fyson Mulunguzi at a drinking joint at Chiringa trading centre and he hit him with a stone.

“When people saw that Boniface Palapasa had injured the man (Mulunguzi), they descended on him and it took some well-wishers to rescue him and hand him over to members of community policing.

Palapasa was rushed to Chiringa Mission Hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival,” he said.

Nkhwazi has appealed to people in the district to take all mentally ill persons for treatment at hospital to avoid such cases.

Meanwhile investigations are underway on the matter.

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