Malawian Scholar, Paul Tiyambe Zeleza has been appointed as Vice Chancellor of the United States International University-Africa (USIU-A), with effect from January 1 2016.

Zeleza, whose novel Smouldering Charcoal is part of the senior secondary school literature curriculum replace Professor Freida Brown, who has served the University for the last 21 years.

According to a statement the institution’s Board of Trustees, Zeleza was appointed on Wednesday after a rigorous, extensive recruitment process which kicked off a few months ago.

“Dr Zeleza will work in close alignment with the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and other members of the Management Council, to oversee a broad spectrum of activities including the four academic schools, student affairs, admissions, registration, library, faculty development, information technology, operations and the implementation of the strategic plan,” the statement reads in part.

The University’s Chancellor, Manu Chandaria, said all parties are committed to helping Zeleza to succeed.

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