A 35 year old Ghanaian national is in police custody at Lilongwe Model Station on allegations that he sodomized a 19 year old Malawian.

Lilongwe police confirmed of the development and identified the suspect as James Letxah (35) of Accra – Ghana who works as a designer in the tailoring industry, operates his business at area 47 sector 5 in the capital city of Lilongwe. Prior this year he employed a 19 year Malawian Tailor (name withheld) to assist him in his business and on September 12, 2015 the victim who is also the complainant was coaxed to go to the house of his employer who stays alone to do some house chores.

It is alleged that whilst there the victim was persuaded to spend a night. Unknowingly before going for bed the victim was served with beer. Then the duo shared the same room, during night the victim whilst still under alcohol influence felt the suspect smearing oil on his anus and was later sodomized.

It is also alleged that early in the morning the suspect wanted to re – sodomize his employee but this time his plans failed since what happened in the night did not please the victim. Later he disclosed the matter to his relatives who advised him to report the issue to police.

On September 15, the police issued him with a medical report of which the results triggered Lilongwe police to launch a man hunt against the suspect on sodomy charges.

According to section 153 (a) of the penal code, any person who has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature; shall be guilty of a felony and shall be liable to imprison for fourteen years, with hard labour.

Meanwhile the suspect has been remanded to Maula Prison as he awaits hearings of his case.


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