The Malawi High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Mr. Kena Mphonda, on Tuesday, 13th October, 2015, presented his Letters of Credence to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain marking the official commencement of his tour of duty to London.

The Queen received the letters at a ceremony held at Buckingham Palace in London.

During the presentation, Mr. Mphonda delivered a message of best wishes from the President of the Republic of Malawi, His Excellency President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, to Her Majesty the Queen. Mr. Mphonda also assured Her Majesty of continued strong bonds of friendship between the two Governments and the people of Malawi.

On his tour of duty Mr. Mphonda said after the presentation, “I am grateful to His Excellency the President, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, for the privilege to serve my beautiful country and its people at this position. I will, during my tour of duty, endeavour to sustain the cordial and excellent relations Malawi and the UK have enjoyed since 1964. I will also herald Government priority areas of increasing trade and investment between Malawi and Britain and encouraging more British people to visit Malawi apart from different socio-cultural exchanges that currently exist.”

Mr. Mphonda was Chief of Protocol in the Malawi Government prior to his appointment as Malawi’s envoy to London and is a career diplomat, after serving in Washington DC in the United States of America and in Bonn, Germany, in previous tours of duty. Mana

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