While mothers in the country were being spoilt by their wards, the country’s First Lady, Gertrude Mutharika took time to visit Kaingilira Village in Neno district where fire rendered 52 households homeless on September 28.

The first Lady travelled with her, a donation that comprised blankets, maize, exercise books, cooking oil, sugar, wrapper cloth and bathing and washing soap among others.

Madam Mutharika said the first couple was saddened when they learnt of the ordeal while in the United States of America and that was why she had found time to visit and comfort them especially on a day they were supposed to be cerebrating.Fire neno

The first lady said it was good that no life was lost during the fire despite the loss of property and shelter.

She then advised the community to move on with developmental activities for the betterment of the community.

“This accident happened, let’s now move on and continue developing our area and I urge more Malawians to assist this community in recovery,” she said.

Village Head Kaingilira said she was happy with the support that different individuals and organizations that have been to the area have given out admitting it has helped them move on from the terrible experience.Neno fire 2

Neno District Commissioner, Memory Kaleso Monteiro said organizations willing to assist the victims are welcome but have to consult the council to be guided on the needs of the community.

The fire which was fought for 12 hours razed down 160 houses and property for 52 households that included house ware, clothing, beddings, livestock, foodstuffs to mention but a few.

The cause of the fire has not yet been established but it is believed to have come from a nearby bush and was aggravated by the strong winds experienced that day.mana

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