Traditional Authority Njema of Mulanje is battling for his life in hospital in the district after being severely beaten by angry villagers over Chieftaincy wrangle that erupted between two families this morning.

According to an eyewitness from Mulanje, the family of Issa is in conflict with the family of Tsabola over the Namasalima group village headship.

The Chieftaincy wrangle started in 2013 just after the death of Group Village Headman Namasalima who was from the Issa family.

The eyewitness told this publication that T/A Njema is being accused of playing double standard on the matter as he sides with the Issa family.

It is said that this morning the Issa family raided the Tsobola family and the fracas erupted between the two families.

As one of revenging the attack, the Tsobola family ganged up and attacked T/A Njema, accusing him of being behind the whole Chieftaincy saga.

According to information at hand, seven other people have also been injured seriously.

Meanwhile no one has been arrested in connection to the fracas.

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