Former Justice Minister Ralph Kasambara has been discharged from Blantyre Adventist Hospital (BAH) and has since been rocked up in Police for alleged conspiracy to murder former Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo.

Mphwiyo was taken ill just days after the High Court Judge Michael Mtambo revoked his bail for allegedly playing delaying tactics in the attempted murder of Mphwiyo which led to the revelations of massive looting of public funds at Capitol Hill dubbed Cashgate.

During the previous sitting, Mtambo failed to continue hearing the case as Kasambara was not available in court due to his condition and the Judge demanded for a comprehensive medical report from BAH on Kasambara’s condition.

Kasambara has been at hospital for heart condition but according to BAH sister-in-charge, Magret Takomana, he was discharged on Thursday.

Kasambara is currently being at Zomba Maximum Security Prison.

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