Information sourced by FaceofMalawi indicates that Presidential Adviser on Non- Governmental Organisations Mabvuto Bamusi sponsored the ‘SDGs Caravan’ demonstrations held in the capital Lilongwe on Tuesday led by Citizen Alliance which clashed with the anti-Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) demonstrations led by Billy Mayaya.

This is contrary to earlier statement which indicated that the CSOs were not being influenced by any individual to march.

According to information at hand, the demonstrations was organized to counter attack Mayaya’s demonstrations which was organized to express the suffering that Malawians are going through at the moment such as acute shortage of drugs in public hospitals, perpetual black outs and others.

One of the organizers of the march, Luther Mambala confirmed of the development in an interview with Daily Times, saying he saw nothing wrong in an office under the presidency organising the march.

“I don’t think it is right to say we were sponsored by government but the office of the [Presidential Adviser] on NGOs, which is under the Office of the President [is], the one that actually organised this parade,” he said.

Effort to talk to Bamusi on the matter proved futile has his mobile phone was not available.

Before the demonstrations, CSOs threatened to pull out of the demonstrations as some DPP sympathizers hijacked the demonstrations.

The DPP supporters carried placards indicating that President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika will not resign as demanded by some CSOs and other placards demanded the Office of the Speaker Richard Msowoya to refund the MK300 million used to purchase the four vehicles.

Minister of Information, Tourism and Civic Education Jappie Mhango flanked by Presidential Adviser on NGOs, Mavuto Bamusi, and Presidential Chief Economic Adviser, Collins Magalasi received the petition.

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