The government of Malawi through the Ministry of Information, Tourisms and Civic Education has trashed security fears raised by former President Dr. Joyce Banda as one of the major factors that have delayed her return to Malawi, saying the claims are unfounded.

Banda through her spokesperson Andekuche Chanthunya on Thursday told the press in a statement that Banda’s trip to Malawi has been delayed due to serious security concerns following Malawi Government’s delay in providing a secure and decent house in a secure locality for the former Head of State and her family.

Reacting to the development, Government spokesperson Jappie Mhango trashed the claims, saying Banda’s relatives were the ones that rejected the house government had allocated to the former President.

Mhango said currently the government is in the process of identifying another house for the former President.

Turning to security concerns raised by Banda, Mhango assured Banda of maximum security just like any other former Head of State.

While admitting that Banda has gone 17 months without salaries, Mhango said there were some formalities that require Banda to fulfil personally before she starts accessing her pay.

“For one to start getting salary they need to be included on the government payroll and that requires one to fill in forms which cannot be filled by anybody else. She has been the Head of State and she knows that; why is she always outside of Malawi and expect somebody else to complete the required formalities that need her physical presence?” said Mhango.

Banda left the country just after the May 20, 2014 tripartite election which saw the then opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika emerging as victorious.

Her trip raised a lot of speculations in the country with others accusing her of running away from the ongoing investigations to the looting of public funds dubbed cashgate but Banda trashed the claims.

Meanwhile it is not known as to when Banda will be in the country.

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