Opposition People’s Party (PP) Provincial Chair for the North, Reverend Christopher Mzomera Ngwira has added his voice on the decision by former President Dr. Joyce Banda to delay her homecoming, saying the reasons given do not hold water.

Banda through her spokesperson Andekuche Chanthunya told the press in a statement that she will delay her homecoming trip due to what she called ‘serious security concerns’.

The former President also accused the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government of not providing her with a retirement home as stipulated in the constitution.

Reacting to the claims, Ngwira said the decision taken by former President will weaken party and bring lack of trust among the party leaders.

“We have heard that our president is not coming. However, we are shocked because we have been telling the party supporters that she is coming to revamp the party.

Now people will judge us as liars when we are not. Obviously, people will lose trust in all of us because the president is not coming,” Ngwira was quoted as saying.

Ngwira told Daily Times of Tuesday 03, 2015 that the reasons given could have been applicable if she were in the country.

The legislator said it will be difficult for the Party to win the forthcoming general election in 2019 little is been done on the ground.

On his part, PP spokesperson Ken Msonda agreed to the claims made by Ngwira but he was quick to add that other leaders in the party would run it in her absence.

Banda left the country just after the May 20, 2014 tripartite election which saw the then opposition DPP under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika emerging victorious.

Her trip to United States of America raised a lot of speculations with others accusing her of running away from the ongoing investigations to the looting of public funds dubbed cashgate and Banda denied the claims.

Meanwhile it is not known as to when Banda will be returning in the country.

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