Opposition People’s Party (PP) leader in Parliament Uladi Mussa has trashed President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s speech delivered in Parliament last Friday, saying the speech was empty as it did not provide any solutions to the challenges the country is facing.

Mussa said this on Tuesday when responding to Mutharika’s speech at the start of the 46th session of Parliament.

In his speech, Mussa said Mutharika speech showed how stranded the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime is when it comes to running the affairs of the country.

“The President only exercised his right to silence. The President seems to have no vision, this government is stuck in the mud of confusion. It needs to be told the truth,” he said.

Mussa said the Parliament opening address fell short of addressing the problems in the health sector such as failure to employ trained doctors and nurses.

“The health sector is in an unprecedented state of disarray. We have no drugs in hospitals, no fuel for ambulances and patients are eating once a day like prisoners. The government is failing to employ doctors and nurses whom we trained. Why does the DPP government want to kill patients when this Parliament approved enough money for hospitals?” he said.

Mussa also questioned the DPP administration for not honouring the office of former President Dr. Joyce Banda, saying the former President is not an ordinary person.

He said the former president request the government to respect and uphold the rule of law and provide Banda with her salary for 17 months, transport, adequate personal security and a secure home.

Meanwhile MPs continue to add their voices on Mutharika’s speech.

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