Pressure has forced President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to use Malawian passenger plane for his trip to United Kingdom (UK) where he is expected to attend the 24th session of Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting scheduled for 27th to 29th November, 2015.

Mutharika recently came under heavy criticism from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and opposition political parties for allegedly hiring expensive jet to United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) despite economic woes the country is facing.

The CSOs accused Mutharika of being inconsiderate and demanded his resignation which he denied.

On Sunday, every Malawian was surprised to see President Mutharika using the Malawian passenger plane contrary to his recent remarks that he will continue hiring chartered Jet since the country has no Presidential plane.

Speaking to press before departure at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA), President Mutharika emphasized on the importance of the meeting saying among others it will tackle issues of trade among member states.

“One of the agendas to the meeting is trade within the commonwealth countries. As you know Britain and Australia are more advanced nations in trade issues, we will learn from their stories and hence advance in our respective nations,” said Mutharika.

Apart from going to Malta, Mutharika also told the press that he will proceed to the United Kingdom for the Global Investment Forum where he will be the guest speaker.

“From the Global Investment Forum, I will also attend the Chinese Africa summit in South Africa where I will meet the Chinese President on investment to Malawi,” he said.

According to Mutharika, while in South Africa, he will lobby for possible investors to Malawi as he said ‘Malawi is a free trade area’.

President Mutharika who was seen off by Vice President Saulos Chilima, Cabinet Ministers, different government officials, Chiefs and different Ambassadors, is expected to return home on 6th December, 20.

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