The Duke of York, His Royal Highness Prince Andrew has offered himself to be Malawi’s investment Ambassador as the country is shifting from consumption to an exporting economy through massive foreign direct investment (FDI).

Andrew disclosed his interest when he held a closed door meeting at Buckingham Palace in London with President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

Writing on his official facebook page, Mutharika said: “With over a century of close relations between our two countries, Malawi has come to be oriented along the British way of doing things in the social, political and administrative realms.”

He added: “Our Civil Service, National Assembly, Judiciary, Civil Society and the Academia, all thrive on the principles and values espoused by Her Majesty’s Government, and the entire civilized world.”

Mutharika said his government remains committed to entrenching the democratic ideals of good governance, human rights and the rule of law.

“We remain a small, developing nation determined to improve our economic stature in our region and beyond, but we will also ensure that economic gains are shared by all.
“The UK has remained Malawi’s largest bilateral donor both through the suspended budgetary support programme and direct support to the various sectors of the Malawi economy,” said Mutharika.

Mutharika said he has assured the Duke of York that his is doing all it can to make meaningful progress in reforming financial and economic management.

“This reforming process we will do not only because it is right and just, but also because we hope and look forward for the resumption of budgetary and other forms of support for the people of Malawi from Her Majesty’s government,” added Mutharika.

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