Love doesn’t stop abruptly; it fades gradually and gradually till it reaches a point of no return. Many people don’t notice their partner’s love decline till the relationship is almost over.

I previously wrote an article on how to get over a partner that doesn’t love you anymore at the request of a fan. Being in such a situation where your partner doesn’t love you anymore could be quite a hurtful experience, but one thing to bear in mind is that they must have given signs that they might be leaving the relationship anytime soon.

Below are signs your partner’s love is gradually fading.


Togetherness is a watchword of a relationship in its prime — togetherness and emotional connection show that your relationship is intact. But once your partner starts getting detached from you, either emotionally or physically then it’s a sign that something is wrong somewhere and their love for you could be dying.


When your partner starts having unnecessary and frequent quarrels on things that wouldn’t ordinarily cause a problem then it’s a sign that your partner is growing frustrated and irritated by some things that you do or being with you.


When there is laughter and humour in a relationship then it’s a positive sign. However, once this simple trait begins to lose its ground in your relationship, and your partner no longer shares a joke or laugh at your jokes, it could also be a telling sign that your partner’s is unhappy over something — and this is how love starts dying.


When you used to enjoy hanging out with each other and doing things together, but your partner gradually starts pulling away, and would rather be out alone than hang out with you then this could pose a problem, especially if it happens repeatedly.


When your usually loving and romantic partner stops showing care and affection and stops giving you attention, it’s a sign that something is definitely up somewhere.


When your partner loses interest in communicating with you, this is another situation you should be wary of. Communication entails your partner listening to you or telling you things that’s going on in his / her life, and when this no longer exists, it could be a problem.

7. SEX

Sex always has a story to tell. If you are in a sexual relationship with your partner, and all of a sudden your partner no longer feels that desire to share such moments with you, it could be a sign that something is definitely taking your partner from you.
Another sexual sign that might suggest your partner is gradually getting tired of the relationship is their attitude after sex. If your partner becomes detached and nonchalant afterwards then it’s a sign that it’s only just the sex that’s keeping them at that point.

No relationship ends at once, and your partner’s love can’t just die off immediately; it might die fast but it would still be a gradual process. These signs mentioned in this article show that your partner’s love and affection for you has suffered a setback.

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