The immediate Past President Dr. Joyce Banda has accused President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika of deliberately ignoring donors call to institute thorough and speedy investigations into the MK577 billion scandal and the brutal murder of ACB senior official Issah Njaunju.

Banda said this in a statement released on Sunday December 27, 2015 aimed at reacting to the allegations raised by cashgate convict and former Principal Secretary (PS) for Tourism, Mrs. Treza Namathanga Senzani.

In the statement, Banda said if the DPP administration will not comply with what the donors and Malawians want pertaining to these issues, the nation shall continue to swim in troubled economic waters because donors may simply look away.

“President Mutharika’s administration is reluctant to investigate the MK577 billion theft of public funds that happened during their reign before I became Head of State and yet, whether they admit or not, my government instituted investigations into the MK20 billion that was stolen during my time. These investigations led to the arrest, trial, conviction and sentencing of many people, including Mrs. Senzani.

I wish to reiterate that Mutharika administration cannot continue to dodge the MK577 billion forensic audit. Government has a moral obligation to speed up investigations into that theft and the brutal murder of Mr. Njaunju,” said Banda.

Banda has also asked President Mutharika to explain to Malawians how he has accumulated US$8 million in such a short time he has been Head of State as per his own declaration of wealth.

“The issue about the Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) houses cannot simply be swept under the carpet so is the issue of his late brother’s unexplained wealth as unearthed by Mr. Yeremiah Chihana,” said Banda.

Meanwhile DPP spokesperson Francis Kasaila has trashed the claims raised by Banda, saying linking the Party to the cashgate is unfounded.

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