A 35 year old man suspected to have attempted to steal cattle from one of the kraals at Kera village has died after being electrocuted from the electrified cattle steads fence.

Mangochi Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Rodrick Maida said the suspect, Petrol Saineti died when he allegedly attempted to steal cattle from the kraal of Edward Kera of Kera village in the area of Chief Mponda.

“The owner reported to police that his livestock has been stolen on several occasions as such he decided to barricade the fence with electricity to enhance security of the animals,” Maida said.

Maida added that during the night of December 24, the deceased went to the kraal without suspecting anything to steal the cattle.

“Now as he was removing logs to open to gain entry into the kraal, he was struck by electric shock and died on the spot,” Maida told Mana.

According to Maida, postmortem conducted at Koche Health Centre revealed that death was as result of electric shock. Saineti hailed from Michesi village in the area of T/A Mponda in Mangochi.

In a separate but related development, another 35 year old man has died after committing suicide by hanging himself to a roof of an incomplete house in Chowe village in the district.

Maida while confirming the development said the deceased who was staying with his mother after getting separated from his wife last year had been going to his wife to seek reconciliation which he had since been denied.

“On December 24, a quarrel erupted on unspecified reasons between the deceased and his mother. It is believed that as a result of the quarrel, the deceased decided to take away his life as he was found dead hanging to a roof of the house by an eleven year old boy,” Maida said.

Maida further said a postmortem carried out at Chikole Health Centre showed that the man, identified as Layison Wilson, had died due to strangulation.

He hailed from Chowe village in the area of T/A Chowe in Mangochi.mana

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