President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on Friday said he will continue working with Bishops in developing the country.

Mutharika said this at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe during a presentation of Bishop Elect George Desmond Tambala OCD of the Diocese of Zomba.

“I want to assure you that my Government would continue with the relationship that we have and continue working together in the development of this country.

“Let me take this opportunity to commend the work and support the Catholic Church gives to government. The church support government in Education, Health, security and food reliefs just to mention a few,” explained Mutharika.

He also assured his personal support to the new Bishop elect.

Chairman of Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Most Reverend Thomas Luke Msusa said the church has always remained a good partner of government in many avenues that attempt to uplift the general welfare of the country’s citizens.

He added that Bishops work closely with the government and they are also important in the church and society hence the need for the State President to know who is serving the dioceses.

Msusa also said that meetings of such kind strengthen and solidify the cordial relationship that exists between the church and state.

Bishop elect Tambala said he would count on the Christians in his work and follow what Christians want.

Bishop Tambala was appointed on 15th October 2015, by His Holiness, Pope Francis as Bishop of the Diocese of Zomba. He was born in Zomba in November 1968, ordained priest on 13th April 1996 at Chiphaso Parish in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

As a priest he served in four positions with the last one as Definitor General in Charge of Africa and Madagascar and the Order of Discalced Carmelites. He also speaks seven languages: English, Chichewa, yao, Swahili, Italian, Spanish and French.

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