Information sourced by FaceofMalawi indicates that Blantyre Senior Resident Magistrate Peter Kandulu has dropped the case in which Peoples Party Publicity and Administrative Secretary Ken Msonda was being accused of inciting people to ‘kill homosexuals’.

Centre for the Development of People (Cedep) and Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) sued Msonda accusing him of inciting violence against homosexuals contrary to section 124 of the country’s Penal Code.

The Section states that “any person who, whether in writing or by words or by his behaviour or otherwise— (a) solicits or incites any other person to fail to comply with or to contravene any law in force in Malawi or in any part thereof; or (b) indicates or implies to any person that it would be incumbent or desirable to fail to comply with or to contravene any such law, shall be liable to imprisonment for five years”

Information at hand indicates that Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mary Kachale applied to court for the discontinuance of the case in pursuant to Section 77 (2) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Code.

The development left the presiding Magistrate Peter Kandulu to drop the case against Msonda, leaving him a free man.

The development also comes barely hours after a group called Rainbow Generation (Blantyre Chapter) aimed at mobilising support for the gays in the country was launched.

According to the statement seen by Faceofmalaw, the group was calling upon all gays and lesbians in the country to come to the Blantyre Magistrate Court on Friday, January 22, 2016 and provide moral support and encouragement to those fighting the battle for gays in the country.

The group expressed shock over the remarks said by various sector against gays in the country, saying the remarks are not only indication of backward thinking but clearly inhumane and barbaric.

Meanwhile it is yet been seen if Cedep and CHRR will take the issue further.

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