Luca Pozzoni and Alessandro Maggi are from Bergamo City in Italy and has been in Balaka, Malawi for 6 months. In these Interviews Alessandro and Luca share their experience during their stay in the country.

Alessandro (centre) and Luca (far right) in front of the house they were staying in Kapandatsitsi

Q: Tell us a gift of your friend
Luca: Ale has a big capacity in terms of involving people in what he believes! For example look at how many people he was able to involve in the Yoga course.
Ale: Luca has a big trust in the future.

Q: Tell us a defect
Luca: He is untidy.
Ale: He makes mistakes in using English verbs.

Q: One beautiful thing of Malawi
Luca: Friendly people.
Ale: The human warmth.

Q: One “Not so beautiful” thing of Malawi
Luca: Once I was not told the truth by a Malawian guy.
Ale: The gossip.

Q: A word about the Volunteer house
Luca: A great community.
Ale: A big Heart

Q: A word about Andiamo Youth Cooperative
Luca: I would like it to be the pulsating heart of the solidarity in Balaka. To give motivation for people to do even more.
Ale: An adolescent utopia.

Q: What did you give to Malawi?
Luca: My life style.
Ale: Too little, a bit of antics.

Q: What did you receive from Malawi?
Luca: A lot of forbearance. When things are not working we should still be positive.
Ale: I think I’ll discover it later.

Q: How do you feel now that you are leaving Malawi?
Luca: I’m not thinking much about leaving Malawi but rather I’m planning how to keep relations with the people I met here.
Ale: I cannot leave a piece of my heart here because I’ll need it in my future, but I think something of it will remain here. I’ll come to get it back sometime in future.

Q: Will you come again in Malawi?
Luca: For sure. Though it is not easy … so I cannot plan when.
Ale: I don’t know all I can say is … maybe!

Q: What will you never forget about Malawi?
Luca: Everything, especially its people.
Ale: I’ll never forget this interview.

Q: Dulcis in fundo … a piece of poetry!
Luca: In the world we are all different. The solidarity is understanding the differences and teaches us to feel more similar.
Ale: I give the words of Arthur Schopenhauer: “Revival starts from disillusion”

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