The High Court in Lilongwe has adjourned the case of Leonard Kalonga, former Chief of Tourism to February 29 2016 for judgment.

Kalonga was on August 26 2015 convicted by the court after his own plea of guilty of defrauding government money amounting to K3 billion between April and September 2013.

When the case resumed for sentencing on Thursday before High Court Judge Fiona Kalemba, lawyer representing Kalonga, Emmanuel Theu asked the court to delay the judgment, saying he had issues with his client to settle.

Thew also disclosed that his client want to make some restitution of some of the assets that were stolen during the plunder of public funds at Capitol Hill during the reign of Former President Dr. Joyce Banda.

On his part, Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Deputy Director Reyneck Matemba said that it is a welcome development that the convict wants to repay some of the stolen items.

“So giving somebody an opportunity to pay back we thought that was reasonable. But after 29th February we will not entertain any adjournment. We will proceed with or without restitution because we have our own ways of recovering assets,” said Matemba.

Coming to the issues locking the convict and his lawyer, Matemba urged the two to sort their differences in time before the said dates, saying any adjournment after the said date will not be allowed.

The case has since been adjourned to February 29 2016 for sentencing.

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